
The meaning, origin, popularity, similar names, and other details about the boy name Perry

Meanings & Origins of Perry

What does Perry mean? What is the origin?

Origin English
Meaning Perry \p(er)-ry\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Perry), is pronounced PARE-ee. Surname and a short form of Peregrine (Latin) "traveler, wanderer". Also possibly derived from an Old English word referring to a person who lived or worked around a pear tree. Modern use has been inspired by fictional detective Perry Mason. Matthew Calbraith Perry was the Americal naval officer who established American trade relations with Japan in 1854. Singer Perry Como; designer Perry Ellis.

Perry has 2 variant forms: Parry and Perrie.

Baby names that sound like Perry are Berry, Barry, Parr, Parrey, Pierre, Per and Peer.

Origin French
Meaning Rock; Stone
Origin Anglo Saxon
Meaning Pear tree
Origin Welsh
Meaning Son of Harry
Origin English
Meaning Pear tree

More Details About Perry

How popular is Perry? Any other details?

How to pronounce, Perry? \p(er)-ry\
Popularity of Perry There were 133 US births last year.
Middle Names For Perry Try our middle name generator to find the perfect middle name.

Names Similar To Perry

Here is are a few lists of name that are similar in many ways to the name Perry

Perry is a boy name.
Perry starts with P
Perry is 5 letters long

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