
The meaning, origin, popularity, similar names, and other details about the unisex name Don

Meanings & Origins of Don

What does Don mean? What is the origin?

Origin Celtic
Meaning Dark stranger
Origin English
Meaning Ruler of the world; Brown stranger
Origin Welsh
Meaning Don \don\ as a boy's name is pronounced dahn. It is of English origin. Short form of names beginning with Don-. Mythology: the Irish Donn was known as king of the underworld. Use of the Welsh Gaelic surname Donne as a given name may be in honor of John Donne, the 17th century poet. Donnan was a seventh-century Irish saint. Actor Don Cheadle.

Don has 5 variant forms: Donn, Donnan, Donne, Donnie and Donny.

For more information, see also the related name Donald.

Baby names that sound like Don are Ton, Dan, Deon, Dion, Den and Doan.

Origin Anglo Saxon
Meaning Mother goddess

More Details About Don

How popular is Don? Any other details?

Popularity of Don There were 0 US births last year.
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Names Similar To Don

Here is are a few lists of name that are similar in many ways to the name Don

Don is a unisex name.
Don starts with D

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